Posts Tagged: Barcelona

Going Beyond Openness: transforming Supply, Profit and Value Chains

The promise of open source will not work in the economy of tangible products, organizations and processes if we don’t activate in first person in the creation of something radically new. If we do not experiment beyond licenses, beyond openness.

The revolution of distributed, sustainable and abundant production requires more inventive in social forms, brand management, financial models, involvement of local communities.

Going Beyond Openness: transforming Supply, Profit and Value Chains

The promise of open source will not work in the economy of tangible products, organizations and processes if we don’t activate in first person in the creation of something radically new. If we do not experiment beyond licenses, beyond openness.

The revolution of distributed, sustainable and abundant production requires more inventive in social forms, brand management, financial models, involvement of local communities.

The Platform Design Canvas: a tool for Business Design

The Platform Design Canvas is a fork of the Business Model Canvas which aims to facilitate the design of business, but also products or organizations, looking at them as platforms for value creation. It’s nothing more (or less) than a tool for platform design.

The Platform Design Canvas: a tool for Business Design

The Platform Design Canvas is a fork of the Business Model Canvas which aims to facilitate the design of business, but also products or organizations, looking at them as platforms for value creation. It’s nothing more (or less) than a tool for platform design.

On the role of Resources in the “Third Industrial Revolution”

Back from Barcelona, from the Panel with Catarina Mota we hosted as Ouishare at the Fablab. Great discussion about materials, supply chain and more in general about why this “Third Industrial Revolution” is about a more conscious and honest use (and relation) with resources

On the role of Resources in the “Third Industrial Revolution”

Back from Barcelona, from the Panel with Catarina Mota we hosted as Ouishare at the Fablab. Great discussion about materials, supply chain and more in general about why this “Third Industrial Revolution” is about a more conscious and honest use (and relation) with resources