Category Archives: Open Hardware

Going Beyond Openness: transforming Supply, Profit and Value Chains

The promise of open source will not work in the economy of tangible products, organizations and processes if we don’t activate in first person in the creation of something radically new. If we do not experiment beyond licenses, beyond openness.

The revolution of distributed, sustainable and abundant production requires more inventive in social forms, brand management, financial models, involvement of local communities.

Going Beyond Openness: transforming Supply, Profit and Value Chains

The promise of open source will not work in the economy of tangible products, organizations and processes if we don’t activate in first person in the creation of something radically new. If we do not experiment beyond licenses, beyond openness.

The revolution of distributed, sustainable and abundant production requires more inventive in social forms, brand management, financial models, involvement of local communities.

On the role of Resources in the “Third Industrial Revolution”

Back from Barcelona, from the Panel with Catarina Mota we hosted as Ouishare at the Fablab. Great discussion about materials, supply chain and more in general about why this “Third Industrial Revolution” is about a more conscious and honest use (and relation) with resources

On the role of Resources in the “Third Industrial Revolution”

Back from Barcelona, from the Panel with Catarina Mota we hosted as Ouishare at the Fablab. Great discussion about materials, supply chain and more in general about why this “Third Industrial Revolution” is about a more conscious and honest use (and relation) with resources

Why we need Open, Hackable Materials now – An Interview with Catarina Mota

Catarina Mota is, no doubt, amongst the most eminent representatives of the Hacking movement. To me, it’s extremely impressive though how one of the leaders of this revolution is coming right from outside the technological world and actually has a communication sciences and film college background. When I asked her to tell me a brief recap of her experience of hacking, she gave a really insightful and detailed story.

Why we need Open, Hackable Materials now – An Interview with Catarina Mota

Catarina Mota is, no doubt, amongst the most eminent representatives of the Hacking movement. To me, it’s extremely impressive though how one of the leaders of this revolution is coming right from outside the technological world and actually has a communication sciences and film college background. When I asked her to tell me a brief recap of her experience of hacking, she gave a really insightful and detailed story.

The Revolution at Hand

The Revolution at hand— The fundamental moment in which design becomes a political tool has arrived. Whatever we choose to call it — P2P culture, peer production movement, open-P2P-design — will we be able to find new meaning cooperatively? Will we be able to participate with conviction in the revolution that is at hand?

The Revolution at Hand

The Revolution at hand— The fundamental moment in which design becomes a political tool has arrived. Whatever we choose to call it — P2P culture, peer production movement, open-P2P-design — will we be able to find new meaning cooperatively? Will we be able to participate with conviction in the revolution that is at hand?

Interviewing Joe Justice from Team Wikispeed on the Future of Manufacturing (and Consumption)

Joe Justice is the ideator of Team Wikspeed: a team of volunteers distributed around the world who recently created a prototype car that is open source, modular and ultra-efficient in just three months, using processes borrowed from software development, the world from which Joe comes from. In addition to being a visionary, Joe is a fantastic and discussion prone person and this interview contains a very open and fruitful discussions I had with him at the end of April. I recommend you read it because it will be useful to you to understand how manufacturing – and consumption – are fated to change in coming years if, as Joe says, we want to continue living on this planet for a while.

Interviewing Joe Justice from Team Wikispeed on the Future of Manufacturing (and Consumption)

Joe Justice is the ideator of Team Wikspeed: a team of volunteers distributed around the world who recently created a prototype car that is open source, modular and ultra-efficient in just three months, using processes borrowed from software development, the world from which Joe comes from. In addition to being a visionary, Joe is a fantastic and discussion prone person and this interview contains a very open and fruitful discussions I had with him at the end of April. I recommend you read it because it will be useful to you to understand how manufacturing – and consumption – are fated to change in coming years if, as Joe says, we want to continue living on this planet for a while.

How to make your Company and Products thrive in an Age of Cooperation

As a reader who regularly follows the blog knows, in my latest piece I introduced some new concepts about the theory of niches and, in particular, I focused on showing how communities finally won a productive and inspirative role into the new cooperative product cycle that is gradually establishing. This piece, instead, is mostly about how businesses can thrive by collaborating with communities: means, perspectives, “places” and phases.

How to make your Company and Products thrive in an Age of Cooperation

As a reader who regularly follows the blog knows, in my latest piece I introduced some new concepts about the theory of niches and, in particular, I focused on showing how communities finally won a productive and inspirative role into the new cooperative product cycle that is gradually establishing. This piece, instead, is mostly about how businesses can thrive by collaborating with communities: means, perspectives, “places” and phases.

Where I have been

Since few days I’m not as active as in recent times on this blog and here’s why.
Many have probably noticed that, lately, this blog had mostly focused its attention on economic and social issues, on design in the highest sense of the term.

My renewed attention to these kind of issues pushed me to go more in deep in meannig and, that’s probably the reason why, I dedicated the last couple of months to establish an Italian think tank, based in Rome, involved in open innovation and open culture.

Where I have been

Since few days I’m not as active as in recent times on this blog and here’s why.
Many have probably noticed that, lately, this blog had mostly focused its attention on economic and social issues, on design in the highest sense of the term.

My renewed attention to these kind of issues pushed me to go more in deep in meannig and, that’s probably the reason why, I dedicated the last couple of months to establish an Italian think tank, based in Rome, involved in open innovation and open culture.

How Peer to Peer Communities will change the World – Interview with Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation founder.

Among the big changes that affect our world right now, the “peer to peer revolution” that is pervading everything, is the most promising from a sustainability, democracy and freedom standpoint. Will the great promise that lies behind cooperation, decentralisation and peer drive value-creation be fulfilled? I interviewed Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation founder to have a real idea of the breakthrough potential that p2p holds for us and our future as a society.

How Peer to Peer Communities will change the World – Interview with Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation founder.

Among the big changes that affect our world right now, the “peer to peer revolution” that is pervading everything, is the most promising from a sustainability, democracy and freedom standpoint. Will the great promise that lies behind cooperation, decentralisation and peer drive value-creation be fulfilled? I interviewed Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation founder to have a real idea of the breakthrough potential that p2p holds for us and our future as a society.

What’s Behind (and Beyond) Open Source

Did you ever questioned yourself about the very reasons of the Open Source paradigm success? What other fields the collaborative development model is expected to take over, beyond software. To answer these and other questions I felt that Carlo Daffara, a true eminence in the Open Source European landscape, was the right person: come take a look to this fantastic expert talk!

What’s Behind (and Beyond) Open Source

Did you ever questioned yourself about the very reasons of the Open Source paradigm success? What other fields the collaborative development model is expected to take over, beyond software. To answer these and other questions I felt that Carlo Daffara, a true eminence in the Open Source European landscape, was the right person: come take a look to this fantastic expert talk!

When Facebook sets a Good Example

(clicca qui per la traduzione in italiano) Since a few days the opencompute project is widely discussed around in the blogosphere and the internet. Fairly understandable since this is, by far, the largest, most interesting and radically innovative open hardware and open infrastructure design initiative,

When Facebook sets a Good Example

(clicca qui per la traduzione in italiano) Since a few days the opencompute project is widely discussed around in the blogosphere and the internet. Fairly understandable since this is, by far, the largest, most interesting and radically innovative open hardware and open infrastructure design initiative,