Category Archives: Operators strategies

How Android did the job

How was 2010 for Android? at the end of the year, Mountain View creature closed the circle with the release of Android 2.3 Gingerbread update that establishes it as the leading platform in mobile industry.

How Android did the job

How was 2010 for Android? at the end of the year, Mountain View creature closed the circle with the release of Android 2.3 Gingerbread update that establishes it as the leading platform in mobile industry.

How the long tail is reshaping the smartphone business

Since few months, the established concept of the Long Tail is finding the first evidence of its applicability even in the mobile market. In particular, as was expected, it works when modeling the availability and sales of applications distributed via

How the long tail is reshaping the smartphone business

Since few months, the established concept of the Long Tail is finding the first evidence of its applicability even in the mobile market. In particular, as was expected, it works when modeling the availability and sales of applications distributed via

Meeda’s guest post on Visionmobile

Today the great mobile strategy site visionmobile, led by Andreas Constantinou,  released a guest post by me on >> Wholesale Applications Community: The Operator Love Affair with Developers . Check it out 🙂

Meeda’s guest post on Visionmobile

Today the great mobile strategy site visionmobile, led by Andreas Constantinou,  released a guest post by me on >> Wholesale Applications Community: The Operator Love Affair with Developers . Check it out 🙂

The unavoidable Googlephone is arriving: a Nexus that was lacking between Android and real life.

The widely rumored Gphone hit the news few days ago in the widely commented Android dogfood diet for the holidays post on Google Mobile blog: “We recently came up with the concept of a mobile lab, which is a device

The unavoidable Googlephone is arriving: a Nexus that was lacking between Android and real life.

The widely rumored Gphone hit the news few days ago in the widely commented Android dogfood diet for the holidays post on Google Mobile blog: “We recently came up with the concept of a mobile lab, which is a device

Nokia and Intel to party with the penguins

According to the quite recent joint announcement, Intel and Nokia are starting a long term partnership with the aim of integrating Moblin, Maemo and oFono projects to eventually build an Intel based, Linux empowered MID/Smartphone (the difference is not so

Nokia and Intel to party with the penguins

According to the quite recent joint announcement, Intel and Nokia are starting a long term partnership with the aim of integrating Moblin, Maemo and oFono projects to eventually build an Intel based, Linux empowered MID/Smartphone (the difference is not so

Monoliths and bit pipes

After going in deep on the “bit pipe” topic for a couple of weeks I eventually came to notice that the most important telco operators are now embracing the model called,  in brief, “telco 2.0″. The “walled garden” approach worked for

Monoliths and bit pipes

After going in deep on the “bit pipe” topic for a couple of weeks I eventually came to notice that the most important telco operators are now embracing the model called,  in brief, “telco 2.0″. The “walled garden” approach worked for