Category Archives: Mobile Industry

How Android did the job

How was 2010 for Android? at the end of the year, Mountain View creature closed the circle with the release of Android 2.3 Gingerbread update that establishes it as the leading platform in mobile industry.

How Android did the job

How was 2010 for Android? at the end of the year, Mountain View creature closed the circle with the release of Android 2.3 Gingerbread update that establishes it as the leading platform in mobile industry.

Interviewing Fabrizio Capobianco: an optimistic Italian

Fabrizio Capobianco is Funambol founder and CEO. For having created an Italian company and then made it the world leader in its industry, for managing the largest open source product in wireless and, most importantly, for its unstoppable optimism about the future of software and services in Italy, he’s an inspiration to many startupper (and wannabe) of the “Bel Paese” and worldwide.

In this interview he talks about Funambol, technology, and Italy. Many useful tips for startuppers

Interviewing Fabrizio Capobianco: an optimistic Italian

Fabrizio Capobianco is Funambol founder and CEO. For having created an Italian company and then made it the world leader in its industry, for managing the largest open source product in wireless and, most importantly, for its unstoppable optimism about the future of software and services in Italy, he’s an inspiration to many startupper (and wannabe) of the “Bel Paese” and worldwide.

In this interview he talks about Funambol, technology, and Italy. Many useful tips for startuppers

The society of objects

How social do you expect the objects will be one day? Would you allow machines and software to interact with you in a social manner?

The society of objects

How social do you expect the objects will be one day? Would you allow machines and software to interact with you in a social manner?

How the long tail is reshaping the smartphone business

Since few months, the established concept of the Long Tail is finding the first evidence of its applicability even in the mobile market. In particular, as was expected, it works when modeling the availability and sales of applications distributed via

How the long tail is reshaping the smartphone business

Since few months, the established concept of the Long Tail is finding the first evidence of its applicability even in the mobile market. In particular, as was expected, it works when modeling the availability and sales of applications distributed via

Mobile Security threats: a trip

Are you excited of the capabilities of your new smartphone? Crackers are too. Cristofaro Mune help us to recap on the major mobile security threats identified so far, at the smarphone level, by going throuhg a series of examples.

Sei eccitato le capacità del tuo nuovo smartphone? Anche i Crackers lo sono!. Cristofaro Mune ci aiuta a ricapitolare sulle principali minacce di sicurezza finora individuati, per ciò che riguarda gli smartphones, passando attraverso una serie di esempi.

Mobile Security threats: a trip

Are you excited of the capabilities of your new smartphone? Crackers are too. Cristofaro Mune help us to recap on the major mobile security threats identified so far, at the smarphone level, by going throuhg a series of examples.

Sei eccitato le capacità del tuo nuovo smartphone? Anche i Crackers lo sono!. Cristofaro Mune ci aiuta a ricapitolare sulle principali minacce di sicurezza finora individuati, per ciò che riguarda gli smartphones, passando attraverso una serie di esempi.

Un’analisi laica e pragmatica di Frontiers of Interaction 2010

Il 3 e il 4 Giugno, con mia grande soddisfazione ho partecipato a Frontiers Of Interaction 2010. Era la prima volta che partecipavo a questa interessantissima conferenza, giunta ormai alla sua sesta edizione. Nella mia immensa immodestia ho voluto condividere

Un’analisi laica e pragmatica di Frontiers of Interaction 2010

Il 3 e il 4 Giugno, con mia grande soddisfazione ho partecipato a Frontiers Of Interaction 2010. Era la prima volta che partecipavo a questa interessantissima conferenza, giunta ormai alla sua sesta edizione. Nella mia immensa immodestia ho voluto condividere

Meeda’s guest post on Visionmobile

Today the great mobile strategy site visionmobile, led by Andreas Constantinou,  released a guest post by me on >> Wholesale Applications Community: The Operator Love Affair with Developers . Check it out 🙂

Meeda’s guest post on Visionmobile

Today the great mobile strategy site visionmobile, led by Andreas Constantinou,  released a guest post by me on >> Wholesale Applications Community: The Operator Love Affair with Developers . Check it out 🙂

The Internet of 2015: the chain of events that will shape the new Internet. – Internet del 2015: la catena di eventi che darà forma alla nuova Internet.

How will be the Internet of 2015? The question is difficult to answer. I think we should try to get to an idea of what will be the Internet in five years, through the analysis of the events chain that

The Internet of 2015: the chain of events that will shape the new Internet. – Internet del 2015: la catena di eventi che darà forma alla nuova Internet.

How will be the Internet of 2015? The question is difficult to answer. I think we should try to get to an idea of what will be the Internet in five years, through the analysis of the events chain that